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Board game review & gameplay of: Dive

Game design: Romain Caterdjian, Anthony Perone

  • 7.5/10
  • 8+
  • 1-4 players
  • 20-30 minutes


In this game players have to use their depth vision to estimate where the turtles and manta rays are and avoid the sharks! 🦈

On a turn, players simultaneously bet on the first five layers from the top. If they think there is a shark, they put a token with a shark on that spot, or not, tokens will be placed regular side up. Also they try to have the most airpoints placed on the layers they think the turtles and manta rays are, since this will score them points!

When all players are done, they show their estimates to each other and check for points! If there is a layer with a shark and a player placed a token regular side up, that player is out of the game that round. If they guessed correctly, airpoints will be compared for that layer and the player with the most gets to score possible red and green turtles or manta rays. Every layer will be scored. At the end of the round players will also get points for how deep they got to dive. The first player to reach 23 points wins the game.


This truly is a beautiful game. The components are incredibly well designed and I love the translucent sheets with beautiful artwork. 

The theme of the game is very well implemented, I love how the sheets placed on top of each other form a rich underwater environment and how (just like when diving) you need to estimate what you can see. 

The game does get a bit easier when you play it more often. I would say this is a great game for kids, maybe a bit less for adults.


A copy of this game was provided to me by Sit Down Games for the purpose of writing this review. My opinion however remains my own.

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